Category Archives: Climate Change

Arctic Sea ice data collected by DMI 1893-1961

I came across a number of maps showing Arctic ice extend from 1893 to 1961 collected by DMI in “Nautisk Meteorologisk Aarbog”. Each year DMI have collected information on sea ice extend so that normally each of the months April, May, June, July and August ice extend was published. There is much more to be […]

The real temperature trend given by Foster and Rahmstorf 2011

Fig1. Foster and Rahmstorf recently released a writing (sponsored by Casino 41) on ”The real global warming signal”. The point from F&R is, I believe, debating to counter the “sceptic” argument that temperatures has stagnated during the last decade or more. Since this is an essential issue in the climate debate I decided to investigate if […]

RUTI: Global land temperatures 1880-2010

First estimate of global land temperature trends from the RUTI project , recently presented at Joanne Novas for the Coastal-Noncoastal issues. … Between 1950 and 1978, the BEST results for global land temperatures have 0,55K more warming than RUTI. Otherwise, the 2 datasets are strikingly similar …. Fig1. First estimate of global land temperature trends. As always […]

Where should we expect UHI in temperature data 1979-2009?

– In the largest urban areas or in areas with the fastest growing population? [Note 17/1: UHI in limate data originates from changes of UHI over a period. So the general discussion is not if a city has UHI  – it has – but if UHI in a town has grown due to expansion of […]

Why global mean temperature is not a valid scientific measure for global climate change

Thermodynamics: In Denmark we have an ongoing discussion on whether Global Mean Temperature  GMT is a valid proxy for global heat balance/ global warming. Professor in thermodynamics, Bjarne Andresen, explains that one cannot simply add temperatures and then divide them to get at mean temperature in a non equilibrium thermodynamic system. Asymmetric Hemispheres Fig […]

Decline: Temperature decline 1940-78, the cold data-war

Next to the historic data war on the Medieval Warm Period, the data war on the 1940-78 perhaps stands as the most bitter and intense climate disagreement. This is a follow up to the article: Temperature corrections of the northern hemisphere. (Thanks to Bo Vinther – “neutral” in the climate debate – who was a […]

Temperature corrections of the Northern Hemisphere

Most skeptics are aware, but it cannot be repeated too often: Temperature data presented before the global warming movement really started in the mid 1980´ies compared with recent official temperatures shows that the temperature trends 1940-1978 has been changed fundamentally. I believe the best way to show this is simply to compare temperatures of the […]

Scandinavian temperatures, IPCC´s “Scandinavia-gate”

In recent years the Swedish scientist from Stockholm University, Karlén,  has tried to create attention to the fact the Scandinavian temperatures when represented by IPCC cannot be recognized in the real data from the Scandinavian temperature stations: fig 1 Left: Karlen made a plot of 25 data series from the NordKlim database. Right: IPCC´s temperature […]